
Earn bragging rights with a GSSA award. Three broad categories of awards are handed out by the GSSA:

Academic excellence

Academic Excellence

The GSSA annually awards an award to students who excel in their studies in the fields of rangelands, ecology or pastures. Lectures can nominate their exceptional students by completing this form and emailing it to emailadress.

Previous recipients can be viewed here.


Congress awards

Annual Congress Awards

Presenting at congress? Attending? You can win award or nominate your favorite presenter. Please use the DRYFTA app for adjudication. Young scientist nominations should be made made using this form before congress starts.

  • Best Presentation: awarded to the best presentation overall at the congress. The primary objective of the award is to encourage and promote the standard of papers and their presentation at the annual Congress.
  • Best Presentation by a Young Scientist: awarded to young scientists to encourage a high scientific and presentation standards early in their careers. ?Nominees should be under the age of 35, presented fewer than 7 times at congress or involved for fewer than 7 years in their discipline.
  • Norman Rethman Planted Pastures: Similar to the previous award, but awarded in particular to young scientists presenting in the filed of planted pastures.
  • Best poster: Awarded for the best poster, this award aims to promote short, concise and scientifically impactful posters.
  • Best Research Proposal Poster: Get valuable inputs for your upcoming research and earn bragging rights for a well thought out research project.
  • Most prolific adjudicator: Get adjudicating! The DRYFTA app allows you to be directly involved in evaluating your fellow delegates. 
  • Faux Pas: Arguably the most anticipated announcement at Congress...Johannes Evert Kappeyne van de Coppello was the first recipient of this coveted award which first made itself known at the 30th Annual Congress held in Kroonstad in January 1995. Each year, Congress delegates have kept their eyes and their ears open to find the most deserving Village Idiot amongst the group and so far it has always found a home to keep it safe and in prominent view for the year. 
Prestige awards

Special recognition by the Society 

Meritorious  Meritorious

   This award is made to a member of the GSSA in recognition of exceptional service to the 
    Society. The following members have received this award:

  • 2015: Craig Morris
  • 2015: Freyni Du Toit
  • 2003: Tony Palmer
  • 1993: Derick Ivy
  • 1993: John Fair
  • 1987: JJ Bruwer
  • 1987: Minister Hayward
  • 1986: Prof John D Scott
  • Justin du Toit

Prestige Prestige

   This award is made to the scientist whose work has made a significant impact on range       and forage science and/or practice. Below are the recipients of this award:


1920: Tony Palmer

2015: Rob Scot-Shaw

2015: Lynne Trollope

2015: Tim O'Conner

2015: Winston Trollope

2014: Dr Philip Botha

2012: Dr Mark Hardy

2005: Sue Milton

2004: Sue Milton

2003: Tony Palmer

1993: Dr Maureen Wolfson

1993: Dr Dave Grossman

1993: Dr Neil Miles

1992: CH Donaldson

1991: Mr Denis Barnes

1991: Dr Amie Aucamp

1990: NM Tainton

1989: JE Danckwerts

1988: Beth Gibbs-Russel

1987: Marius Vorster

1986: G Stuart-Hill

1985: Albert Viljoen

1984: C Cresswell

1984: Maureen Wolfson

1978: Peter Edwards



Peter Edward AwardPeter Edwards Award

   This award is made to a land-user in the area of the annual Congress in recognition of
   the sound application and practice of the principles of range and forage science and
 conservation. The trophy, first presented in 1981, commemorates Peter Edwards, an internationally recognised pasture scientist who was born in the Eastern Cape. Dr Peter John Edwards worked for many years as a Pasture Scientist at Cedara, Thabamhlope and Potchefstroom. He is remembered for his pioneering work on radical veld improvement and his contributions to the local farming and conservations communities. He also played a major role in the Grassland Society of Southern Africa from its inception in 1966, serving as a Council Member, Trustee and President. For background on the award and nomination criteria click here.

Honorary membershipHonorary Membership

  This award is made to a person whom the Society wishes to honour by reason of           
  meritorious services rendered for the realisation of the objects of the Society or by reason
  of his/her eminence in science. Honorory membership has been awarded to the following

2000: WSW Trollope

2000: John Clatworthy

2000: Mick Gammon

1991: RW Brougham

1991: H Heady

1990: LKA Crook

1990: RE Altona

1988: GW Burton

1986: JJ Lowes

1986: DV Horton

1982: P de V Booysen

1977: EM Hutton

1976:  JPH Acocks

1975: CEM Tidmarsh

1975: JLM Lintner

1973: JH Preller

1972: O West

1972: JD Scott

1970: E Matthews

1969: DBD Meredith

1968: WR Chapline

1966: JW Rowland

1966: JB Pole Evans

1966: JFV Phillips

1966: JA Pentz

1966: WM Davies