Trust of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa



The Trust of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa (GSSA) manages assets towards achieving the strategic objectives of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa and ensuring its long-term financial sustainability. 

The Trust aims to promote the discipline of grassland science in its broad definition of encompassing natural, semi natural and planted ecosystems used as forage by wild and domesticated livestock, inclusive of the sustainability and conservation of such systems and the people who use them. This encompasess the promotion of the exchange of ideas and dissemination of knowledge among researchers and practitioners to ensure the application of knowledge to management and policy in relevant spheres. Supporting the professional development of grassland scientists underlies the achievement of the above.




The Trust was first established in 1974 by PJ Edwards, JO Grunow and BR Roberts. It was formally registered with the Master of the Court, Pietermaritzburg, in 1993.  The Deed of Trust has been amended twice, in 2011 and 2019. The latter amendment set up the conditions for the establishment of an Advisory Committee.

Activities that have been supported include sponsoring members to attend local and international conferences and financial support for organizing local and international congresses and workshops under the aegis of the GSSA.




Trust is currently composed of five Trustees:

  • Dr Nicky Allsopp (Chair), retired
  • Dr Ferozah Conrad, South African National Biodiversity Institute
  • Dr Dawood Hattas, University of Cape Town
  • Dr Debbie Jewitt, Ezemvelo KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife
  • Dr Julius Tjelele, Agricultural Research Council


Advisory Committee

Advisory Committee

Trust is assisted in its decision making by an Advisory Committee comprised of active GSSA members. The Advisory Committee is made up of the Vice-President, President and immediate past President of the Grassland Society and another member of the Society.  These members serve for three years.

The objectives of the Advisory Committee are:

  • To promote linkages between the Society and the Trust
  • To provide advice and guidance with regards to how Trust can support projects that promote the GSSA and the disciplines represented by the GSSA
  • To promote the long term sustainability of Trust as a means of supporting the GSSA inter alia through growing Trust investments from monies raised by the GSSA and its Council
  • To provide guidance on any emerging issues of relevance to the Society and Trust

Trust may be contacted through the Administrator of the GSSA at